Monday 9 November 2015

tips on how to get your dream girl #(Guys only)

If you want to seduce a woman, the best sex tips
focus on her head. Try these 7 ways to turn her on
before you even touch her and you'll get her between
the sheets in no time flat.
You may be a leg man—or a breast guy—so
there’s a pretty good chance you’re
ignoring the sexiest female organ of all:
her brain. “Many guys crash and burn in
their quest to be a great lover because they
forgot that the most important part of her
body is her mind,” says Reef Karim, MD,
author of Why Does She Do That? Why Does He
Do That? and the director of The Control
Center, a sex, drugs, and relationship
treatment center in Beverly Hills. Follow
his advice on stroking her head, so her
body will naturally follow you into bed.
Be patient. When you have a new girl’s
attention and you’re working to close the
deal, don’t rev your engines prematurely.
“You don’t want to come across like a
predator,” says Dr. Karim. “No girl wants
to hook up with a creeper.” To avoid that
vibe, don’t stare too much—particularly at
her lady parts—don’t be too touchy-feely,
or get too physical too soon. “When a
woman is worried you could hurt her, it’s
over. So much of her enjoyment is about
feeling safe.”
Think about ambience. Girls instinctually
appreciate that candles and mood lighting
are romantic. That’s probably not your
own natural instinct, but it’s an easy angle
that steers girls in a sexy direction. “Guys
don’t care if candles are lit or not,” says
Dr. Karim. “We don’t care if it’s dark and
we can’t see or if all the lights are on.” But
girls may be more insecure about their
bodies, so setting the lighting so that it’s
dim enough that she doesn’t have to be
overly self-conscious will up your odds of a
steamy night.
Play to her sense of smell. A pleasant aroma
—mixed with a cocktail of pheromones—
goes a long way toward turning everyone
on, since your olfactory sense is the
strongest. “Incense and natural smells are
always better than cheesy cologne,” says
Dr. Karim. “Drakkar Noir is now a
repellent like mosquito spray.” Individual
smell preferences differ from woman to
woman, so impress her even more by
asking if she prefers the scent of
sandalwood, roses—or a garlicky tomato
sauce instead. “A little research into what
she likes can go a long way in the

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