Tuesday 24 November 2015

Nigerians, what's your take on this.


An article authored by Bruce Fein, a United States
Attorney and published in Washington Times
lambasted President Muhammadu Buhari over the
ordeal of former National Security Adviser Col. Sambo
Dasuki (rtd).
Dasuki has been under house arrest since November
4, despite a subsisting court order which granted him
permission to embark on a medical trip abroad.
He is currently standing trial on a two-count charge
of money laundering and illegal possession of
firearms before a Federal High Court in Abuja.
Although the court granted the former NSA, who had
been on bail, permission to embark on a medical trip
abroad, operatives of the Department of State
Security, DSS, continue to lay siege to his Abuja
residence, placing Dasuki under house arrest.
To enforce his rights, Dasuki returned to court to
report the government for flouting the ruling.
The Federal High Court on November 13 reaffirmed
its order allowing him to travel abroad for medical
attention and ordered the DSS to vacate his
The FG has failed to respect the order and has
released an interim report on the $2billion arms deal.
Buhari also ordered the arrest of Dasuki and others
Dasuki maintains his innocence and in turn release
some details he said proves he is being persecuted
In the opinion, titled ‘Nigerian President Muhammadu
Buhari Dupes the US’, Bruce Fein criticized the
country’s leader for “uttering time-worn democracy
vows” during his visit to the US, where he promised
“to combat graft with procedures that would be “fair,
just, and scrupulously follow due process and the rule
of law, as enshrined in our constitution.”
It said, “After celebrating fairness, due process, and
the rule of law last July to win the goodwill of the
United States, Mr. Buhari returned to Nigeria to mock
all three in a vendetta against Dasuki, the immediate
past National Security Adviser.
“He placed Mr. Dasuki under house arrest. He
confiscated his passport. He charged him with
firearms and money laundering violations. He sought
a secret trial to prevent independent scrutiny.
“He opposed Mr. Dasuki’s pretrial application to the
Federal High Court sitting in Abuja for permission to
receive urgent medical treatment for cancer in
London, but it was nonetheless granted.
“Justice Adeniyi Ademola explained that an accused
is presumed innocent before trial, and that a citizen’s
health is paramount before the law. Mr. Buhari was
ordered to release Mr. Dasuki’s international
“Mr. Buhari defied the order. He put Mr. Dasuki’s
house under siege, a microcosm of the Bosnian Serb
siege of Sarajevo. Mr. Dasuki returned to court.
Justice Ademola reaffirmed his order, asserting “My
own orders will not be flouted.”
“Mr. Buhari has not yet budged. As a military dictator
in 1985, he similarly seized the international passport
of Chief Obafemi Awolowo to thwart his travel for
medical treatment, which caused his death in 1987.
The more things change, the more they stay the
Calling Dasuki’s situation an “ongoing persecution,”
Fein noted disparagingly that “Members of Nigeria’s
National Assembly and Senate have been reduced to
playing the roles of extras in cinematic
Recalling some of the low points of the Buhari
military regime in the ‘80s, the publication said the
era “was earmarked by chilling human rights abuses,”
which it said included, “draconian edicts, exemplified
by Decree 20 under which the judicial murders of
Nigerian citizens Lawal Ojuolape, Bernard Ogedengbe,
and Bartholomew Owoh were authorised.”
It noted that Ogedengbe was executed for a crime
that did not carry the death penalty at the time it was
committed in violation of the universal revulsion of
EXpost facto laws.
Quoting Nobel Prize laureate Wole Soyinka, the article
said “these crimes were executed in defiance of pleas
from virtually every sector of Nigeria and the
international community—a grisly precedent for
subsequent dictator Sani Abacha’s hanging of Ogoni
activist Ken Saro-Wiwa in contempt of international
It further noted that Buhari’s brutal military
dictatorship was overthrown in 1985, adding, “Mr.
Dasuki played a key role. Dictators do not forget. Fast
forward to today.”
According to Fein, “if Mr. Buhari flouts Justice
Ademola’s order with impunity, judicial independence
will be fatally compromised and Nigeria’s embryonic
democratic dispensation will be stillborn.”
“The judiciary is the only branch capable of checking
limitless executive power—the bane of Africa.”
Fein such actions could work against peaceful
transfer of political power on the continent as
incumbents would be afraid of being persecuted by
their successors.
“President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration
accepted a peaceful transfer of power to President
Buhari, a laudable landmark in African politics.
“If Mr. Buhari is permitted with impunity to destroy
his political opponents like Mr. Dasuki with tyrannical
methods, peaceful transfers of power everywhere on
the Continent will become problematic. The
incumbents’ risk of political and personal impalement
at the hands of their would-be successors will be too
The article concluded by urging the United States to
insist on independent human rights observers to
monitor Dasuki’s prosecution and trial, and a demand
that President Buhari honours his vow to follow due
process and the rule of law.
“The stakes are too high to remain silent,” it added.

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