Tuesday 24 November 2015



A former Deputy National Chairman of the Peoples
Democratic Party, PDP, Chief Bode George, yesterday
advised the government of President Muhammadu
Buhari to handle pro-Biafran agitators with caution.
Warning that Nigeria cannot survive another civil war,
the politician said the government must not use force
in dealing with the situation.
George, who spoke at an event to mark his 70th
birthday in Lagos on Monday, also begged the
Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign
State of Biafra (MASSOB) and the Indigenous People
of Biafra (IPOB) to stop their protests.
He said secession was not the answer to the
problems of Nigeria, urging Igbo leaders and the
group to hold talks with the government.
George said, “I want to plead with the Biafran
protesters to be patient and I urge them to tread
softly. No nation goes to civil war twice and survives.
We are still meandering to build nationhood.
“Let us build this nation together. We must ensure
that everyone has a sense of belonging. Sharing of
resources and appointments should not be a winner-
takes-all affair. Let us debate and deliberate over our
affairs. Dismembering the system through protests
and agitations is not the solution.”
Lamenting the defeat of PDP in Lagos, George, said
the party would have performed better had the
presidency not empowered people who were not
committed to the party.
George recently returned to Nigeria after spending five
months in London.

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