Monday 23 November 2015

Thieves, Funny Thieves.


Thieves allegedly stole a car in Ghent, Virginia. But before they
drove off with the vehicle, they decided to drop the eight-year-old
child sitting in the back seat off at school.
His mum had to start work half an hour before lessons began, so
she got into the habit of leaving him in her car listening to music
while she got things started at the post office.
But this time, opportunistic thieves noticed the vehicle was running
and hopped inside.
When the boy’s mum realised what happened, she was scared to
death and phoned the police desperate to find out he was okay.
Luckily, the cops found him ten minutes later ‘sitting in class as if
nothing had happened,’ Norfolk police spokeswoman Melinda Wray
told People magazine. The boy told the men where he went to
school and they just dropped him there after claiming his mum had
asked them to.
And they even managed to trace the car, because the boy’s mum
had left her iPhone inside with software allowing her to track where
it was.
It all had a happy ending – although police still haven’t caught the
In any case, if they decide to give up the life of crime it looks like
they could have a bright future driving taxis.

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