Tuesday 24 November 2015


Bauchi Past Officials
Siphoned N7billion Taxpayers’

The Bauchi State Governor, Mohammed
Abubakar has disclosed that the officials of the
immediate past government allegedly siphoned
N7 billion from the state treasury three months
prior to the exit of their administration.
He said that details of the financial scams by the
past officials would soon be made public when
relevant investigative bodies would be mandated
to unearth the stealing spree, and as a
responsibility retrieve all the stolen monies back
into the state coffers.
The Governor who stated this in Bauchi
yesterday reiterated his government’s
commitment to ensure that public funds siphoned
by past officials were retrieved back into state
He said “Every public kobo stolen in Bauchi must
be retrieved, After all, its people’s prayers and
clamour for positive change that ushered in the
present administration, As I swore by the Holy
Qur’an to be fair and just, I will not deviate from
this oath”.
Abubakar, observed that the wrong perception
some people have is for him to segregate among
the people, particularly between APC and PDP
faithful, gives upper hand or brings his associates
into limelight and ride on spending spree from the
state funds, saying he wouldn’t do that, over his
dead body.
Governor Mohammed Abubakar expressed
worrisome with attitude of some Bauchi state
youths whom, he said, uses social media to
castigate his administration and personality,
describing the attitude as unbecoming of them.
Abubakar stressed the need for religious leaders
to enlighten and educate the people, particularly
yoths against campaigns of calumny, saying
however that Bauchi state government welcome
constructive criticisms designed to uplift the living
standard of citizens and move the state forward.
“We are human beings bound to make mistakes,
where the government or its officials erred, people
should be honest to positively advice, correct or
make amends where necessary, but not for
someone to comfortably sit at his/her leisure and
concoct stories to forment troubles”
“if your agenda is to dent the image of
government and its officials by castigation
Mohammed Abubakar, you are tarnishing the
image of the entire people of the state, such are
retrogressive tendencies and ill-winds that blows
nobody any good”, he frowned.

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