Friday 20 November 2015

Funny drama b/w soldier's and police men


Nov 20, 2015 – Funny But Sad! Drama As Soldiers Rained Bullets
On Policemen Chasing Yahoo Yahoo Boy In Festac Lagos
Vigilant soldiers who had been stationed at 7th Avenue Festac, Lagos
State, fighting pipeline vandals since Monday, yesterday, shot dead two
civilians and injured two policemen. One of the soldiers was also injured
in the shooting.
The shooting spree happened moment after the soldiers received
message to be at alert that robbers had attempted to rob Guaranty
Trust Bank (GTB), on 23th Avenue and that another set had
attacked banks at Agbara, Ogun State.
Following the clash with vandals on Monday, the soldiers had placed a
barrier on the road; the barrier was to show that the area was a high
security risk area and drivers were expected to slow down. The victims
of yesterday shooting, however, refused to slow down at the barrier
even after the soldiers repeatedly ordered them to stop.
Thinking they were criminals, the soldiers started shooting at them.
When the smoke from the guns cleared, two civilians had been
killed, two policemen and a soldier wounded. The incident occurred
around 10:30pm. The civilian driver died instantly and a stray bullet
killed another civilian who was eating noodles not far from the
Two policemen were seriously injured. One was shot in the buttock and
another on the knee. The soldiers so sprayed bullets that expended
hundreds of ammunition littered the ground. Two police vehicles were
shattered and perforated with bullets. One of the bullets bounced off a
police van and hit one of the soldiers on the chest. The wounded were
rushed to a nearby hospital, but rejected.
They were referred to Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH),
Idi-Araba. A police source said: “Surveillance men were on patrol.
They sighted a Honda car. They thought the driver was a
‘yahooyahoo’ guy. The policemen were in a commercial bus as
against the instruction of the Inspector General of Police (IG).
“The policemen flagged the Honda driver down, but he refused to heed.
The policemen started chasing him, up to 7th Avenue where the joint
team of soldiers and policemen were stationed.
There was a barrier on the road to slow down vehicles. The Honda
driver and the policemen in commercial bus refused to stop.”
It was further gathered that the Honda driver apparently drove
towards the soldiers, thinking they would protect him from people in
the commercial bus that were chasing him. When the Honda driver
and commercial bus refused to stop, the soldiers opened fire.
The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Joe Offor, confirmed
the incident, which he described as an act of omission rather than

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