Tuesday 24 November 2015

5 ways you can look more attractive and sexy as a man or a woman

We were all born beautiful, its up to us to keep it that way.
Anyone can look his or her best with a little effort. Hair style and
dress are the most difficult aspects to figure out, but you also
need a firm commitment to basic hygiene in order for your efforts
to pay off. Keep reading to learn more about the best ways to
level up your physical appearance.
Know the hottest trends:
It is good to know the latest trends but dont live and die by
them.Trends come and go, so think carefully before you choose a
style simply because it seems popular right now.
Even though you should avoid choosing a style simply due to its
popularity, browsing through current trends can give you an idea
of which styles you might want to avoid and which styles are
already outdated. Build your wardrobe on classic pieces that
rarely go out of style. Limit yourself to the occasional trendy
Your clothes and how you wear them say a lot about you, and will
definitely have an effect on how people perceive you. Wearing
unflattering or extremely poorly-sized clothing says you don’t care
about how you present yourself. Keep an eye out for people you
consider well dressed. When you’re at a mall or walking down the
street, take note of people who appear to be fashionable. This can
help you establish a sense of style. Adopt signature pieces.
Having a signature item of clothing can help you stand out and
draw attention to your style.
Build your confidence:
This is the primary factor to be attractive and it has to come from
inside you. Practice positive self-talk. A good way to build
confidence and learn to look good in your own eyes is to stand in
front of the mirror and assure yourself that you look good. You
may feel a little awkward at first, but if you take the time to
convince yourself that you look good, it will be easier to convince
other people, too. The one thing you can do is ‘look appealing’.
And there isn’t any better inviting than an honest smile. An
elegant, clear, assured looking man who smiles is a babe magnet!
Cultivate it, work to achieve it, and follow the steps in this section
to build it. I wrote a post about how being more confident can
benefit you so I won’t stress too much in it. I would only
summarize by saying that if you boost your confidence you will
look the best, you will feel the best and you will act like the best,
you will simply be more successful and things will come easier to
you no matter if it is daily things, women, job or other
Hair styling and hair care:
Browse through hair style magazines and fashion magazines to
get an idea of which hair styles and colors are currently the most
popular. This should not be the only thing you use to choose a
hair style, but it may give you some idea of where to start the
selection process.
Hair magazines can be especially helpful since they offer a variety
of styles for a variety of lengths.Guys may have a harder time
finding hair magazines that appeal to a male demographic, but
male hair style magazines do exist. Nonetheless, if you are unable
to find one, look online for pictures of current style trends for
You may like the way a given style looks on someone else, but
that does not necessarily mean it will look the same way on you.
Hair texture plays a large role in why this happens. Straight hair
and curly hair holds styles differently, just as fine hair and coarse
hair do.
The four basic texture groups are straight, wavy, curly, and kinky.
This applies to both men and women. Understand your hair to be
able to have an idea of your ideal hairstyle.
Also every face has a slightly different outline, the outline of your
face can affect how a certain hair style looks on you. Choose a
style that works with your face shape for best results.
Men need to worry about their facial hair, while women usually
need to worry about their underarms and legs.Men can look good
with facial hair, but if you decide to keep a little on your face, you
need to trim and maintain it properly. Avoid beards or mustaches
that look untamed, and if your facial hair looks scraggly, you
should consider shaving it off.
Women can usually get away without shaving during cold-weather
months, but you should shave your underarms as soon as you
break out the short sleeves and your legs as soon as you start
wearing shorts, skirts, and dresses. Shave every few days during
the warmer weather months to keep up on your hair and reduce
Wash your hair. Most individuals should wash their hair every
other day to maintain the right amount of oil. Washing your hair
everyday or more than once a day will likely dry it out. As a result,
your hair may suffer long-term damage. In the short-term, it may
also be frizzier and more brittle. Washing your hair less often than
every other day may result in hair that looks flat and oily.
Use shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products
formulated for your hair type for the best possible results. If you
have trouble making your hair look shiny and healthy, talk to a
hair stylist or barber for suggestions.
Maintain good personal hygiene:
There is almost nothing worse that bad breath so you need to
keep your breath fresh and clean. Brush your teeth once in the
morning and once at night. You can also brush in the middle off
the afternoon, shortly after lunch, if desired. Use a cavity-fighting
toothpaste. A whitening toothpaste can also be considered, but
some individuals may find that whitening toothpastes make their
teeth feel more sensitive.
You should also floss regularly to cut down on decay. Consider
carrying floss around with you, as well, in the event that food gets
stuck in between your teeth while you’re out and about. Talk to
your dentist about using commercial whitening strips if you want
to brighten your smile a little more. He or she should be able to
recommend a brand that is safe for your teeth.
Keep hands and fingernails clean and neat and clean the hands
regularly. Your nails should be free of soil and cut evenly. Don’t
bite your nails, or chew on your cuticles because it’ll make you to
seem nervous and can also introduce harmful germs into your
Use cologne and get a scent that no one else has. This can be a
great conversation starter. Don’t wear too much, though, or the
conversation it starts will be behind your back, and it won’t be
Wash your clothes regularly. Clothes that are washed, dried, and
wrinkle-free just look better than dirty clothes that have been piled
in a corner in your room for the last week. No matter what clothes
you choose, make sure that your clothes are in the best shape
possible so that you look your best, as well.
Clear your skin. Wash your skin with an appropriate facial
cleanser at least once a day, if not twice. If you have dry skin,
wash your face once a day instead of twice a day. Use gentle
cleansers for sensitive skin to avoid making your skin any drier
than it already is and apply plenty of face lotion afterward. If you
have oil skin, you may need to wash your face twice a day. Use a
gentle cleanser in the morning and a stronger cleanser in the
evening. Exfoliate your pores weekly.
Avoid using plain body soap. Body wash is stronger than most
facial cleansers and, as a result, it will dry the skin on your face
too quickly and too severely.
If you struggle with acne more than most people, you may need
to seek out a medicated facial cleanser. Talk to your
dermatologist for suggestions.
Bathe regularly. In addition to washing your face and hair
regularly, you must also wash your body on a regular basis. Bathe
every one to two days whenever possible. Wash up with warm
water and soap. You can either use a shower gel or bar soap.
Apply lotion to your skin after you get out of the shower, focusing
on rough patches like your knees and elbows. Applying lotion
right after your shower will lock in more moisture. Additionally,
lotion is an important part of your beauty regiment because it
prevents your skin from drying out.
Dieting and Exercise:
Healthy habits are good ways to not just stay healthy but also
improve your physical appearance thus diet and exercise is
needed. If you want to lose a little extra weight, maintain a
balanced diet and make sure that the number of calories you
consume is smaller than the number you burn. Never starve
yourself, though. Starving yourself is bad for your health and can
even cause you to put on excess water weight.
One thing you need is to get your everyday sleep. Having enough
rest raises your power, keeps you mentally sharp, aids with your
look and metabolic rate and helps reduce the bags below your
eyes to give you that cheerful and alert appearance, so get the
recommended seven-eight hours the night.The reason, for you
having enough sleep, is also that your body is building muscles
during sleep, and building muscles is one very healthy habit you
should implement.
There’s nothing appealing or alluring about being obese or
underweight. Athletic and a muscular build are attractive to any
man or woman. For this reason, you will have to shed some
unwanted weight or begin packing on some muscle tissue if you
are serious about how to be good looking.
You need to invest time in building muscles either at home or the
gym every day for 20-40 minutes. Exercising regularly not only
helps with your assurance, look, and power, but releases
endorphins that make you feel great, and hence more attractive to
Besides building muscles, you also need to start eating right.
Some of the items you should consume are veggies, fruits, dairy
products, high-protein, carbs, a particular number of healthful
unsaturated fats and, etc.. Drink lots of water and be sure to have
around 4-8 glasses of water daily.Water helps to raise muscle
tissue and the fat burning metabolism of your physique and also
contributes to maintain the skin appearing clean and supple. If
you are a substantial alcohol drinker you might want to get this
sorted out, because alcohol causes swelling of the tissues,
notably puffy eyes, and frequently results in poor diet plan and
may cause weight gain and usual make most people out of shape
Highlight your best features while masking undesirable features.
Both men and women struggle with body image, and you most
likely have parts of your body that you like less than others. Draw
attention away from these parts by highlighting your positive
features with detail.
As a general rule, wear darker colors to slim down wide parts of
your body or to otherwise obscure parts of your body you have
less confidence about. Light colors catch the eye, so they should
be worn around areas of the body that you feel better
about. Avoid placing prints on areas of your body that you feel
insecure about. Prints and patterns attract attention, so if you
place them in an area you want to hide, you won’t be doing
yourself any favors.
Use makeup to enhance your beauty, not mask it. This piece of
advice primarily applies to women. Cosmetics are a powerful tool,
but you should apply your makeup lightly and in ways that
highlight your beauty. Never attempt to hide behind your makeup.
Choose a feature to highlight and focus that majority of your
effort on that. Usually, this is either your lips or your eyes. Glam
up one feature while leaving the others plain to avoid
overwhelming your look.
Remember that a positive attitude has as much to do with looking
good as your physical appearance does. Smile often and maintain
eye contact with people as you speak. Sit and walk with an
upright posture and speak and move in ways that are indicative of

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