Sunday 22 November 2015

A few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a Man chooses a partner with no-so-great attributes

While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually
a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man
chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great
1. The Bitter Woman : You know that woman that always seems
to be angry at the menfolk all the time? Perhaps she has had her
heart broken one too many times, but this woman is always
bashing on men and talking about how they are no-good or
useless. A man might not want to settle down with someone so
bitter as it is guaranteed that when the opportunity arises, she
would hurl hurtful insults and intense, hateful words his way due
to all her unresolved anger.
2. The Selfish Woman : If you want a happy home and a partner
that wants your happiness as well as hers, then you should steer
clear of the selfish woman. A woman who is determined to make
sure she always comes first would not be able to build a
cheerful and loving home with you.
3. The Materialistic Woman : A woman obsessed with material
things would certainly not make the best wife. If all she cares
about are material possession over family, faith and spiritual
fulfillment, then she will not make the best partner.
4. The Flirty Woman : Are you attracted to that woman that
always seems to flirt with one person or another? She flirts like a
butterfly from one man to another and makes all men feel like
she is interested in them. Well, beware, because a habit like that
might be hard to break after marriage and you would not want
to start hearing that your wife has had flirty conversations with
all the men in the neighbourhood.
5. The Party Freak : She is invited to every party and attends
them all. She is always dressed in the most flashy clothes and is
the ultimate party girl. She lives for the next big gathering and
cannot say no to an invitation. Such woman might not be the
type to settle down in a marriage.
6. The Spoilt-Brat : A woman who grew up having everything
handed to her and has never had the experience of actually
working for something is unlikely to make the best wife. No
matter how much you might be willing to provide her with the
kind of lifestyle she grew up with, remember, marriage comes
with kids and kids require sacrifice. If she has never had to work
or make sacrifices for anything in her life, it is unlikely that she
would start now.
7. The Attention Seeker : While some women naturally like
attention, when it becomes an obsession, then it is not a good
idea. A good husband makes sure he has time for his wife, but
this cannot happen 100percent of the time so a good wife
should understand that.
8. The Gossip : Does she always seem to never mind her own
business? Is she always focused on what someone else is doing
or how someone else is living their life? Then you do not need
this kind of woman as a wife. A man needs someone that would
build a home with him and this requires some focus on her own
plans and her own life. If she is too busy minding someone
else’s business, then you are fighting a losing battle
9. The Commitment-Phobe : A woman who finds it difficult to
commit to anything (school, jobs, family, friendship, etc) would
also not be able to commit to a marriage. If she seems to lose
interest in everything quickly and is always looking for the next
thing to jump into, then you would have a hard time keeping her
focused in her marriage.
10. The Disrespectful Woman : If she seems to always be
disrespectful and rude (even if it is to people she considers
beneath her standards) then you need to think twice about
marrying her. Respect for a fellow human being is a very
important attribute in who we choose to spend the rest of our
lives with so it is definitely not something that should be taken

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