Tuesday 10 November 2015

we are not taking about sex #(18)


And we’re not talking about s*x …
A harmonic and healthy relationship can make every man happy.
I don’t necessarily think that the traditional monogamous
relationship is the only form of relationship that can make a man
happy, but I do believe that spending time with a woman outside
of the bedroom can increase your happiness level.
I know from my own experience how fulfilling it can be to be in a
relationship that is better than what you have ever experienced
before. However, I also know how it is to be in a relationship that
is destructive, unfulfilling and that makes you sink into
Unfortunately, I see so many men who are caught in
relationships that obviously make them unhappy. I see it when I
walk down the streets. I see it when I look at some of my
friends, and I even see it when I think back to a time where I
ended up in such a relationship myself.
It’s sad that those guys stay in those relationships, just because
they take what they can get because they don’t believe that they
deserve a girl who makes them happy. Thereby, finding a girl
who makes you happy is not that hard.
We men don’t really need that much to have a fulfilled love life.
All we need is a girl who treats us in a certain way, and we melt
like wax in her hands.
1. We Want to Be Loved.
Whenever someone says that love is for girls and that men
shouldn’t deal with such emotional stuff, I have to roll my eyes.
There are too many self-proclaimed alphas out there who think
that love is for weak beta males. You can lie to yourself as much
as you want but deep down we all want to be loved.
we men need a woman (or several women) in our life who gives
us the feeling of being loved.
2. We Want to Be Taken Care Of.
A lot of hardcore feminists might hate me for this but I have to
say it anyway: We men want to be taken care of. We love it
when our girlfriend cooks a nice dinner for us. We appreciate it if
she takes care of the house, and we instinctively search for a
girlfriend who behaves as if she would be willing to take care of
our future children.
To be honest, the No. 1 characteristic that a girl has to have if
she wants to be my girlfriend is a caring attitude. I don’t know
about you, but unless a woman enjoys taking care of me, I won’t
ever spend more than one night with her.
3. We Want to Be Respected.
Do you feel respected by women? In case you live in the Western
hemisphere you probably can’t answer this question with “yes.”
Unfortunately, most women don’t respect men anymore. I can’t
really blame them, because they basically get conditioned to
disrespect us.
Nearly every advertisement that you can think of makes fun of
men, portraying them as insecure clowns instead of fearless
Because we don’t feel respected anymore, we crave respect in
our relationships.
4. We Want to Be Supported.
Support is something that I don’t see in many relationships
nowadays. For me it is important that my girlfriend supports my
vision, my goals and my plans. What I see in a lot of
relationships is that the women just wait to make fun of their
boyfriend whenever they can.
That’s not what support is about. A supportive girlfriend would
rather defend her boyfriend when he gets criticized by other
people, instead of making fun of him in such a situation

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