Wednesday 4 November 2015

Forrest lunsway And Rose Pollard


In 1983, friends set Forrest Lunsway and Rose Pollard up at a party,
hoping the two would dance together. Forrest had been widowed
twice. Rose had lost her own spouse to a long and painful illness,
and she had no intention of remarrying . She just wanted
Even though they lived 64 kilometers (40 mi) apart, they made the
effort to see each other regularly. It was a slow courtship. For the
next two decades, Forrest would often drive the full distance to take
Rose on a date and then drive home afterward that same night.
In 2003, Forrest moved in with Rose in Capistrano Beach. Then he
proposed. Rose didn’t take him seriously, since he was 90 and she
was 80. She jokingly agreed to marry him when he turned 100. For
Forrest it was no joke, and as his hundredth birthday approached,
she decided to take him up on his offer.
The couple were married at their local Community Center on
Forrest’s 100th birthday. A beautiful nearby hotel donated a free
honeymoon ocean-view room. Congratulations came from all over
the world. Even President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle
Obama sent well wishes.

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