Wednesday 28 October 2015

Unn laptop issue#

When someone asks me this question about UNN and mandatory
laptop for the freshers, I always take some minutes to think on how
this thing will be possible and why they should approve of it. Last
two years ago, it was rumoured that every fresher must have a
laptop and it didnt come to pass. Last year, same thing was said
and it later became rumours.
Please let me say a little thing about this because there is
something that when you hear, you apply that sense that makes you
a human being into it, reason it and reach a logical conclusion to
know if its gona be possible or not. Everybody is saying that UNN
said that every fresher must have a laptop and that the money will
be added to the tuition fees and I said "heyaa", this one will be
laptop pollutions or abuse of laptop because it means in four or five
years time, everybody in UNN must have a laptop if majority wont
sale their own at auction prices in nsukka market and Enugu when
Nsukka market gets filled up if at all its true. It is said that the
freshers will pay for this so called laptop instalmentally but which
ever way they want to do this,
My questions are:
- Is UNN making laptop compulsory for every fresher, doesnt UNN
know that some people are still looking for where to borroww
money to pay for their school fees? Some people would not even
have paid for their acceptance fee by now if its going because there
is no money. Some didnt even apply for supplementary because
they couldnt see money.
- What about those who already have laptops, are they going to
have 2?
- The people UNN is making laptop compulsory for according to you
people, is it all of them that know how to operate a laptop or need a
laptop? Is everybody going to indicate the make of laptop you need
or they will just give you any make?
- How can UNN make laptop complusory when there are freshers
who cant even afford phones? They didnt even say "phones" but
- How can that be possible when there are people that even if you
dash them a laptop for free, they will say thanks and give it back to
you because they dont need it? How can UNN ask or force people to
use what they dont want or need?
- Some of the people that made first class and some that graduated
with good grades, did all of them have laptops? So, what so
significant or the contribution of laptop in the live of an average
student who is struggling to survive in school?
- If all the freshers should have laptops, are they going to be
converging at PAA or in front of PRO or is it big enough to
accommodate them for free browsing because these are the only
places as far as I know you can browse for free in UNN? Or is UNN
going to make her wifi accessible every where inside UNN which
they have tried before and it didnt last? If thats the case, will they
also be subcribing it for them or will they be using it to watch films
and play musics which the battery will soon die off when there wont
be light for days in UNN as it happens sometimes?
- If UNN is making laptop compulsory for freshers, do you know
how much the school fees will amount to, even if its going to be
fairly used laptops? Is UNN becoming a private school or a state
university where anybody can do or say whatever he likes?
- Those people that will be making laptop compulsory for the
freshers according to you people, how many have they bought for
their children? Something they couldnt provide for their own
children even as rich as they claim to be, thats what they are asking
the poor people to provide for their own children.
- How can you believe UNN will make laptop compulsory when UNN
is a federal university and no other federal university in the country
has ever done so or is UNN the only federal university in the
country? Does UNN want or plan to scare people away from
entering or applying for the school. This is because some people
who chose UNN because they believe her school fee is not much
high and have gotten admission; and also those that will still get
admission, after hearing these rumours are now scared and
regretting why they chose UNN while those who didnt succeed in
getting admission are somehow happy that they didnt get? Even the
private schools where people from rich homes attend have never
done such let alone UNN where some people whose some of their
parents survive by doing petty business, okada business, some
parents are low civil servants, etc attend.
Like I said earlier on; last two years ago, it was rumoured that every
fresher must have a laptop and it didnt come to pass. Last year,
same thing was said and it later became rumours. Any fresher who
wants laptop should go and buy one for himself or herself, let those
who cant afford it continue browsing with the little phones which
they can afford. Those who are making it compulsory "according to
you people" should go and buy for their children if they see it
necessary, there are those who dont see it or need it or cant afford
it and they are ok with the ones their phones can give or do for
UNN cannot make laptop compulsory for all the freshers and if they
do, it will cause a very serious problem and setback and
Government may intervene unless the laptops will be given to the
freshers at the rate of N5,000 or less with charger and manuals on
how to use and operate it.

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