Tuesday 27 October 2015

Exclusive interview on the Ellen Degeneres show


We reached out to our friends at the Creative Artists Agency to
get the scoop on Pure Garcenia . Our insider at the CAA told us
why Pure Garcenia is so common in Hollywood:
"Actors and Musicians have very busy schedules, they don't always
have time to eat healthy or exercise daily. Their lives are fast paced,
so Pure Garcenia is the ideal weight loss solution for them. They
don't have to change their diet or exercise to maintain their bodies.
70% of all female celebrities who give birth, will be on the Garcinia
Cambogia diet for the next 2 months to shed off the extra baby fat to
get back to their careers.
Jennifer's story makes sense especially with all the weight loss
miracles people in Hollywood seem to pull off. Whether its Kim's
weddings, Snooki's shrinking waist, or Kris Jenner's amazing
bikini body at 56. We decided to put this Hollywood secret to the
test. Could " Garcinia Cambogia" really be Jennifer's secret to
looking good for the camera? We decided to find out with a E
Online Exclusive case study.
For our Case Study, I ordered a free bottle of Pure Garcenia. As I
was looking for a brand of Pure Garcenia , I stumbled upon many
reviews which suggested utilizing a cleanse called the Vimax
Detox Cleanse alongside Pure Garcenia. It cleans out & removes
fat tissue cells stored over the years. Below you can see my
results and testimonial.
Pure Garcenia has been clinically proven to:
Vimax Detox Cleanse has been clinically proven to:
Steps I took:
Week One:
It's Day 7 of taking Pure Garcenia and Vimax Detox
Cleanse . When I started I weighted 166 pounds. I'm at
160 after 7 days, but that's most likely water weight
that I lost, no actual fat burned. The Vimax Detox
Cleanse on the other handle I feel the impact that has
made. I feel so much more energetic. I usually crash
around 3PM at work and feel lazy. That has
completely dissapeared at this point. So even if this
experiment doesn't work. I will definetly being using
pro again.
Week Two:
It's Day 14, I got on the scale and weight 156. 4 more
pounds gone. I've lost over 10 pounds in 14 days so
far, but again the first 10 pounds are usually water
weight. I do feel less stress and I noticed I longer twist
and turn in bed. I feel more energetic in the mornings
as well.
Week Three:
Its Day 18 of the Pure Garcenia Diet. Before I even got
on the scale I noticed my pants were looser than
usual. The scale said 151 The last time I weight 150
was before I got married! I've even got a couple
compliments by co-workers and friends! At this point I
know the diet works, but the 35 pound claims by
people on Amazon may be difficult to achieve. We'll
see in the next few weeks.
Week Four:
It's Day 28 and I weigh 147. I haven't been drinking as
much soda this week. There is still 5 more days , I'm
so excited at this point. My husband is actually flirting
with me again. We went out last night and for the first
time in years, I've notice him getting irritated when
other men look at me! The last time that happened
was when we just got married!
Week Five:
It's day 31, I officially weigh 147 pounds and I've lost
22 pounds in 31 days. Words can't explain how
amazing I feel. It's a lot easier to shop now a days. It
doesn't take me forever to shop any more. No more
asking "Do you have this in a size 16?". It's even
helping my marriage, my husband and I started
actually going out on the weekends like we did before
we got married!
In conclusion , like us here at E Online, you might be a little
doubtful about the effects of this diet, but you need to try it for
yourself - the results are real. After conducting our own personal
study we are pleased to see that people really are finding success
with it (myself included). And you have nothing to lose. To order
your free complimentary bottle, follow the links I have provided
and know that you are getting a quality product that works with
no strings attached!
You can reach your weight loss goals with the Pure Garcenia &
Vimax Detox Cleanse Combo.
Alice Clemmens
EDITOR'S NOTE: For a limited time, the Official Suppliers of Pure
Garcenia & Vimax Detox Cleanse have agreed to offer a Free
Monthly Supply to our readers.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015, Risk Free Trials Are Still Available!
Add A Comment
Recent Facebook Comments
Tohloria Lewis
I have been using this weight loss combo for 3
weeks now, and I lost 12 pounds already! I
knew it would work because I see it imitated
Reply . 13 Like . 12 minutes ago
Tanya Porquezr
I saw this combo on CNN a while ago and still
using the combo. I've been using the products
for about 6 wks (Pure Garcenia came first, had
to wait for Vimax Detox Cleanse for an extra
day). Honestly, this is unbelievable, all I have
to say is WOW.
Reply . 13 Like . 14 minutes ago
Jennifer Mercer
A friend of mine used and recommended it to
me 3 weeks ago. I ordered the products and
received them within 3 days (although I didn't
get the discounted prices). The results have
been incredible and I can't wait to see what
weeks 3 and 4 bring.
Reply . 13 Like . 32 minutes ago
Amy Jackson
My sister did this a few months ago, I waited
to order my trials to see if it really worked and
then they stopped giving out the trials! what a
dumb move that turned out to be. glad to see
the trials are back again, I wont make the same
Reply . 13 Like . 45 minutes ago
In an exclusive interview on the The Ellen DeGeneres Show,
Jennifer famously spilled the beans about her diet success.
"The only person more excited about it than me is my boyfriend!
The truth is, I dropped almost 45 pounds in the last 3 months.
Pure Garcenia was easily the best thing to happen to me in 4
years. It's an all natural weight loss supplement and I love that
it's completely safe for my body."

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