Tuesday 27 October 2015

Jennifer Lopez loses 45 pounds and it wasn't exercise


Jennifer Lopez: Loses 45 Pounds -
And It Wasn't Exercise!
Jennifer Lopez's ego got a huge boost this year when she
dropped an amazing 45 POUNDS! After a few unflattering pictures
made their way to the tabloids, Jennifer decided once and for all
to dive head first into a new and healthy lifestyle. There was one
catch: she didn't have time to exercise.
" When your life revolves around being on camera, you always have to
look good for the paparazzi as well as for yourself. The last straw
was when I was asked to fit into my Grammys dress. Well, I found a
site online advertising Garcinia pills , and I figured it couldn't hurt to
try something new! I was a little bit nervous about about using
Garcinia , but I'd seen on a few TV shows and a lot of my girlfriends
said it worked wonders for them!"

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