Friday 30 October 2015

John constantine's role on the arrow season 4#



Season 4 of Arrow has gotten off to an exciting start as the show
begins to delve into the mystical for the first time. With a magical
supervillain in Damien Darhk , Lazarus Pit shenanigans in Nanda
Parbat, and a former heroine resurrected without her soul, it’s no
surprise that Oliver and Co. will be possessed to call in an expert on
the supernatural. John Constantine of short-lived NBC series
Constantine will drop in on Team Arrow in the upcoming fifth
episode "Haunted." Check out some new images showing us just
what the exorcist extraordinaire will be getting up to in his visit to
Star City next week!
From the looks of things, Constantine won’t exactly be dealing with
a group of people accustomed to his brand of fighting evil. In this
look at Constantine’s efforts to reunite Sara with her soul, it seems
like Oliver will be breaking in his new lair with a séance. Considering
that Laurel was the main driving force – or only driving force, really
– behind Sara’s resurrection, it’s fitting that she should be in the
middle of the flickering flames around the circle. It’s more
surprising that Oliver is with her rather than her adjacent father, but
as Oliver knew Sara better than anybody, he’s perhaps the most
appropriate person to help bring her back.
We can probably safely guess that the first attempt at a séance was
unsuccessful as Laurel is seen decked out in her Black Canary duds
in a room that looks awfully similar to what we’ve seen of Nanda
Parbat. The Sara situation must be much worse off than Laurel
predicted if the events of “Haunted” will take them back to the
fortress of the League of Assassins and the domain of Malcolm
Merlyn. While Constantine does slightly appear as though he’s
trying to ward Laurel off like an evil spirit, he’s almost certainly
trying to do what he can for Sara without any of the novices getting
in his way. After all, even Malcolm and Nyssa were certain that
nothing could be done to fix Sara after she came out of Pit;
Constantine will likely be their only chance to save her.
We can’t say for sure just yet how successful Constantine’s efforts
to reunite body with soul will be in “Haunted,” but Sara does have a
few things to do in 2016 that will only work if she’s more human
than the snarling creature seen thus far in Season 4. Perhaps the
bigger question is how Oliver will react to Laurel’s decision to
resurrect Sara into a soulless shade of her former self. Considering
that Laurel and Quentin probably didn’t have any exorcists in their
rolodexes to call in, Oliver being able to bring in John Constantine
and table any concerns long enough to help should make him a key
player in the resurrection story.
Arrow airs on Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. For more
first looks at Constantine in “Haunted,” check out the gallery below!

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