Saturday 31 October 2015

true Story, #(must read)


A student of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomoso, Oyo State has narrated how robbers invaded their
hostel,molesting them and forcing them to have sex with each
other..In tears,Bimbola (not real name) agreed to narrate her
ordeal to a Punch correspondent last Monday.
What she pa$$ed through in August was painful, unimaginable
and dehumanising. In fact, she might not be able to forget that
night in her life.Ever since the incident, everything about her has
changed, according to her friend.
In the night of August 13, 2015 – around 12 midnight – she said
she and her roommate had returned from a night reading class in
preparation for their forthcoming exam in November, locked their
room and were about to sleep when they heard their hostel mates
jamming their doors, screaming and walking up the hostel stairs.
Before they knew what was happening, the men were at their door
and expectedly, they forced the door open.
“Come out now or we will kill you,” she recalled what the men told
her and her roommate, and with fear and trembling, the girls did
their bidding.
Three hefty fearful-looking men, clad in black polos and jeans,
armed with guns, machetes and axes had stormed their hostel –
located in the Under G Area of Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State – and demanded that all the
students, both male and female, should gather in one room.
While one of the hoodlums stayed with the students, pointing
guns at them should they ‘misbehave,’ the other two locked the
entrance to the hostel, ransacked all rooms one after the other,
stole the students’ laptops, money, debit cards, tablets and mobile
But even after stealing all their property, the robbers were not
done. The next command they gave the students was what
Bimbola has not yet got over with.
She narrated,
“They molested some girls in our presence, but not only that,
they asked us to start having $ex with ourselves. They called
from among us a guy and a girl and asked them to have $ex
with themselves, right in everybody’s presence. They
threatened to use their weapons on us if we didn’t cooperate.
Then they asked all of us to strip nak*d. Since it was in the
night, most of us ladies already had only our night gowns on,
while most of the guys were just putting on boxers. They said
we should all be nak*d. When they were satisfied, they called
another pair of students to do the same thing and told
everybody to watch.
“For about three hours, they dehumanised us, humiliated us.
Unfortunately, nobody in the next hostel knew what was going
on; if anyone knew, they would have helped us to call the
police or the Student Union Government officials.”
But what was more pathetic about Bimbola’s story was that she
didn’t just witness the whole action; she was also asked to have
sex with a guy she never dated.
“Everything happened like it was a dream. They pointed at a
guy I knew as my junior and asked him to do ‘it’ with me.
When I refused, they slapped me and I fell. I had no option
than to do it. I looked at my roommate and she was already
shedding tears for me. How humiliated I was!” she cried.
She further told our correspondent,
“It was not a night to remember. I wish I could erase it from
my memory. My friend and I returned to the hostel that night
after reading in the school because our exam is fast
approaching. If I knew something like that would happen, I
would have stayed in the school till the morning, but I needed
to prepare for the following day’s work. I had just finished
having a shower when my roommate and I observed
something was wrong. There was no light, so we couldn’t see
properly, but we observed that our hostel mates were all
jamming their doors at some men’s command.
“They cramped all of us in one of the rooms upstairs and we
were all frightened. My parents are not yet aware of this
incident and I don’t wish to share it with anyone again. I only
agreed to speak to you because my friend here encouraged me
to and I feel something should be done by the authorities
concerned to stop this barbarism. I know I’ll be fine soon.”
Since July when they resumed for the semester, the students of
LAUTECH have been witnessing robbery attacks and r*pe by the
same set of unknown men – who call themselves ‘Three MOPOLs’
each time they barge into their victims’ hostels.
The Welfare Officer of the Student Union Government of the
institution, Ridwan Okedara, said he could not count the number
of calls he had received ever since the incident started occurring in
July up till about two weeks ago. He said it was unfortunate that
the hoodlums had yet to be apprehended.
He said,
“I’ve received calls in the past four months almost every pa
$$ing night about this incident. Victims and eyewitnesses
usually say the robbers were always three and they would tell
them they were the ‘Three MOPOLS,’ but we are not sure if
they are not even more than that. For instance, there were
some nights when I received calls that the robbers were
operating in the Adenike Area (a popular students’ residential
area near the school) and I would quickly call our security
officers to go to the said hostel, but few minutes later, I would
receive a call that they were operating somewhere else.

Before the security people could get there, the robbers would
have left and we would hear they had started operating
somewhere else. We don’t know their tactics yet. From what
we have heard from eyewitnesses, they would enter a hostel,
pretend as if they were looking for somebody and before the
students knew it, they would threaten them with guns and
machetes and ask all of them to be inside one particular room
after collecting their phones, laptops and money. They ask the
students to strip off their clothes – both male and female,
then ask them to start having sex with themselves. They could
call a male from say 200 Level and ask him to have sex with
say a 400 Level female student.
“These robbers rape our students and then ask the students
to have sex with themselves. We’ve heard a case when the
robbers used white handkerchiefs to wipe the private parts of
the students after the act. We are also suspecting ritualism
here. They go to hostels anytime from 8pm to 1am and from
eyewitnesses’ accounts, there was usually no light anytime the
hoodlums carried out their operation.”
This is exactly what another victim of robbery in September by the
The other victim who spoke with our correspondent said,
“It was very dark and there was no light to see their faces
when they came to our hostel. They told us they were the
‘Three MOPOLS,’ and mere looking at them, we could not
imagine how they were able to gain entry into our hostel and
ordering all of us to go inside one room. We were told to take
off our clothes and they r*ped some of the girls. They didn’t
rape me and they didn’t ask me to have sex with anyone, but
they stole my laptop and phone. It was traumatic. It was like
experiencing hell that night.”

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