Saturday 31 October 2015

Some funny things Nigeria women do to get a Husband#

Three percent of Nigerian ladies are undisturbed by their lack of a
spouse but the other 97% would do just anything to become Mrs.
As we read on, we are going to see some unorthodox things
Nigerian women will do in their quest to bag a husband! Some are
bizarre, some are good and while some downright bad but if you
are willing to try anything and getting a husband is the only
activity left on your bucket list, you might want to try a few! (Men
1) Snatching a friend or relation’s man.
All is fair in love and war! Rumor has it that women have resorted
to locking their phones, hiding their men and coding their gist
from so-called friends because it’s a jungle out there.
2) Re-inventing themselves.
Pretence is the order of the day. No man wants to tame the shrew
or teach the inexperienced or make an honest woman out of a
dishonest one so once marriage is desired, women package
themselves in pseudo, ready-made, easy-to-use, highly desirable
packages. After marriage, what you see is what you get!
3) Trapping with pregnancy.
This used to be the old school method of getting a man to
propose. From skipping the pill to seducing the man or getting
him drunk when she was ovulating, a woman usually knew she
had the man where she wanted him once she missed her period
even if there was no commitment. Now the guys are saying YES
to baby mamas and YES to child support. Are the girls deterred?
NO! The girls have stepped up their game by involving the parents
and you know parents don’t like scandals
4) Praying & Fasting.
This would presumably be an honorable means of obtaining a
husband but sometimes the prayers are offered up to deities other
than God & other times it becomes a song permanently. Taking
his photograph to Cele church for a prophetess to pray over or a
powerful Alfa. Heard it works like charm. Taking his sp*rm, hair
or personal effects to Babalawo. Guys, disposing of your
condoms yourself is not such a bad idea.
5) Outright Jazz.
My friend recently gisted me about how a tied up, live pigeon had
been discovered in a friend’s sister-in-law’s box. The woman
confessed to using jazz and said she hadn’t been sure if the guy
would actually propose so she took the necessary precautions.
6) Putting love potion in his food.
This is classic and timeless but shouldn’t it be called a compelling
potion? Because in this case, love na by force!
7) Proposing to a guy.
Yes it does happen (Who wears the engagement ring?) Toasting a
man’s family so they make the decision for him! A friend
complained that a girl he detested had over the months gotten
close to his family.Lavishing on them, cooking for them and
basically being their go-to girl and now his mum had put her foot
down that he had to break up with his girlfriend and marry little-
miss-went-home-to-mama depending on how much power the
family wields, their word may be final.
8)Asking daddy to get them a husband!
If daddy’s a big shot, arranging a husband for you is usually as
easy as pie and some men would sell their souls for a large chunk
of daddy’s money so both parties are happy.
9) Being the man’s maga.
Some women believe that when you finally get a man to be
interested in you, spoiling him and overlooking his every fault
would get you into a white gown faster than an okada. Some men
don’t mind a woman who houses them, clothes them, feeds them,
gives them pocket money, never gets upset with them even when
they misbehave and cleans up after them with little or no
contribution from them living the dream
10) Giving him unlimited freedom.
Tell me I am number one baby; tell me I am the future mother of
your kids and not Amina, Bisi or Ngozi. Women used to want to be
the one AND ONLY in their man’s life, now being the number one
is good enough.
11) Polishing up a low class, barely educated brother in exchange
for a ring.
The deal is simple, you send your cleaner, gateman or driver to
night school, you give him language lessons, you take him to buy
some new clothes and deodorant and teach him to call you honey
instead of madam and in exchange, he gets to marry you, share
an expensive bedroom and never worry about his bills ever again!
12) Revamping you.
Change your wardrobe, lose 20kg, buy a truckload of Brazilian
hair, study the karma-sutra, do an angioplasty and change the age
on your birth-certificate to read 22. Botox, plastic surgery, a
compulsory gym membership and a body magic also indicated!
13) Becoming a worker in church.
Rumour has it that men go to church to marry, the same rumour
also reveals that Greeters Ushers and Lead Soloists have the best
exposure. Praise the Lord!
14) Moving to a new town or part of town.
This always peaks the men’s interest and at the same time you
get to run away from your past and the old maid labels.
15) Going for deliverance.
Going for deliverance from a spirit husband and sowing a big
marriage seed in church! Giving your possessions to the poor,
giving a sacrificial offering or just giving one thing to God that
would make you weep.
16) Abandoning hopes, dreams and ambitions.
I’ve heard people say that women looking for a prince charming
live unrealistic dreams, virgins are old-school, overly educated
women are proud, rich women are not submissive, ambitious
women are conceited, women with demanding jobs won’t have
time for their families, women who want a faithful man are
deluded and women who don’t get pregnant before wedlock have
something wrong with their plumbing! So forsake the masters,
don’t even dream of a PhD, quit your job, give away all your
money and surely a husband will come.
17) Outright Desperation
And if all the above fails, they marry a married man.
He could be your friend’s husband, your sister’s husband, your
cousin’s husband, your colleague’s husband, even your mother’s
husband if possible. Can you blame these women? The average
guy has commitment phobia or is out to play till he is all spent
before he settles down or is waiting to make his first 5 million
before saying I do. Even a man with no future ambition or class,
much less finances still knows he
could have his pick of the best women out there, once he
announces he is looking to settle.

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