Tuesday 1 December 2015


PLEASE READ THIS.......... Too often, I hear people complaining: My mates are getting admission… My mates are getting married… My mates are getting good jobs... My mates are succeeding… My mates are traveling overseas... My mates are buying good cars… My mates are building houses... My mates are this......my mates are that...... . It's such a pity that they forget about their mates in the hospitals being fed through the nostrils, their mates in the mortuary, their mates in the psychiatric homes, their mates roaming the streets day and night, their mates begging alms at the motor parks, their mates who are jobless, hungry, lame, blind, deaf, and literally destitute. . Many of us are so given to ‘upward comparison’. We only see those who are seemingly better than we are. We only focus on what we have been unable to achieve and the things we have lost in life. But that’s a wrong attitude to life. Yes you might not be where you wish and pray to be, but you’d agree with me that God has been gracious and merciful towards you and your family through this year. Learn to be grateful and thankful. . As I think over this whole thing, I feel gratitude welling up in my heart. Come to think of it… It’s just about 31 days left and we shall wave goodbye to 2015? Some (healthy and strong) slept last night and didn't wake up today. Some innocent souls are there languishing in various jails even without committing any crime. Some who have food piled up in their houses are not able to eat for one reason or the other. . It’s very unfortunate that we so easily forget to remember God’s benefits and benevolence towards us. David (in Ps. 103) says no, don’t forget. Don’t forget He’s the one who forgives you when you sin; He’s the one who heals you when you are sick; He’s the one who gives you food and the ability to eat; He’s the one who fights your many unseen battles and redeems your life from destruction; He’s the one who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. And it gladdens my heart to know that He still has beautiful plans for us before the year ends and within the coming years. . Friends, let’s learn to thank and bless God for what He has done. By so doing, we trigger the energy of God towards our direction. Why not just stop for a moment and appreciate this GOD like only you can, >>Instead of complaining<<. Happy New Month from yours sincerely, HD.

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