Monday 14 December 2015


PRAYERS I speak in Jesus name and kindly finish this track and practice it for i have asked heaven to bless those who would take it serious We all know the meaning and importance of prayers in our lives.For without prayers many of us would Have become history.Jesus said our problem is that we do not ask ...but he knows our needs...all we ought to do is ask..does that mean he answers immediately we ask? Certainly not.Take for example ...a father knows he ought to provide school fees or food for his children ..but he normally wAits till they demand for it..and parents normally do not provide the fees right away, unless the children disturbs him only then will he provide it. Does thAt mean thAt God provides readily to sinners and those that hates working for love? Certainly not.Take for example; a fAther hAs a son who dsnt study his books or who is lazy neither does he perform well in school...the father would be reluctant to provide the school fees..apply it to your self and God.YOU ought to have faith in prAyers for Jesus said in mark 11:24 "whatever you ask for in prayers BELIEVE u HAVE gotten it and YOU shall have it" God dsnt give to people without faith ..throughout the gospel Jesus gave to those with faith.That u prayed once and God didn't answer those it mean you are the worst sinner or that God doesn't answer prayers? Certainly not.keep on praying like hannah the mother of samuel, poor widow who disturbed the corrupt judge..shout like blind bartimeus..HAVE perseverence and faith like the woman with haemorrhage..the roman officers..and the lame mAn at the beautiful gate.Keep on fasting..singing praises to God daily..even if God still keeps silent keep disturbing him day and night he is your father he ain't tired of your prayers. Pray constantly so that your prayers will outrun others for YOU ain't the only one praying.Give so that God will give u.Forgive so that he'll forgive u.Try and work for God putting ur mind on the things of heaven and putting ur whole mind off that ur prayers.Seek the face of God dAily. May the grace of God be with u ALL that love our lord Jesus with sincerity. From an Apostle...disciple_L Amen

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