Sunday 24 January 2016

Tutorials on how to tweak

my fellow 1960bloggers...some of us always slack back whenever we see a cheat that involves tweaking..i want to let you know that tweaking is not as hard as you guys think...follow the following steps to accomplish a successful tweak...goodluck..

yes am here with few tutoral on how to tweak first of all Open Imei Analyzer and write the 10 digit imei you were given and add four digit to it and it will make it 14 digit then click anlyze blow and the app will additional 1 digit to make it 15 digit..

using mobile uncle tools 1 Open the Mobile Uncle and 2 click Engineering Mode 3- Click/Select Engineer Mode (MTK) 4- Navigate left to Connectivity. 5- On the connectivity panel, select CDS Information. 6- On the CDS section, select Radio Information. 7- Now, select either the SIM1 or SIM2, depending on whichever SIM you wish to change its IMEI. 8- On this page, click on the AT and type E after AT e.g AT E and four (4) options will be presented to you, just choose either of this options below AT EGMR=1,10,”” for SIM 2 AT EGMR=1,7,”” for SIM 1 Don’t forget to put the IMEI you tweak to in-between this signs“”above. e.g AT EGMR=1,7,"35842906480711117" 9- Now, tap/click the Send AT Command option. Yes it all done… after that put your phone in flight mod for some second and remove it from flight mode Send what u are told to send to 131 If you didn't get it then keep tweaking imei and replace it until you get the mb using chamelephon lunched the app put the the digit of number u what to tweak and generate the remaining by urself allow it to show u green mark then press apply new lastly on and off airplanmode now u are good send what u are ask to send DATs all

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