Friday 4 March 2016


zoom.jpg Episode 16 in Season 2 of “The Flash” will finally have Barry Allen learning the real identity of Zoom. The next episode, which does not air until March 22, will bring a sense of déjà vu for Barry since he has been in the same path of betrayal before. Episode 16 in Season 2 of “The Flash” takes off where Episode 15 ended, with Zoom’s identity finally revealed. Jay Garrick’s face, a.k.a. Flash from Earth 2, was revealed behind the Zoom mask. In Episode 16 titled “Trajectory,” Barry Allen will finally know who the abominable Zoom is. However, knowing the villain’s identity will be another emotional rollercoaster for Barry Allen, according to “The Flash” star Grant Gustin . In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Gustin said Barry will feel betrayed again after he learns that Hunter Zolomon or Zoom is also Earth 2’s Jay Garrick. Barry will start to question his own capability in deciphering the truth in people’s identities. “It’s betrayal and disappointment in himself, because it’s almost like he’s been through this before, and he can’t believe he let himself go through it again,” Gustin told Entertainment Weekly. This is not the first time the theme of betrayal has become a point of self-realization and somewhat of an emotional trigger for Barry Allen. Season 1 of “The Flash” also bordered around betrayal. Eobard Thawne disguised as Harrison Wells from Earth 1 was all along planning to kill Barry while pretending to be his mentor and ally. Learning about Well’s selfish motive in helping Flash get more speed only brought more emotional trauma for Barry, especially when he learned that Wells was involved with the death of his mother. Episode 16 in Season 2 of “The Flash” will bring an even “larger betrayal” than Season 1, according to “The Flash” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg. In a separate interview with Entertainment Weekly , he revealed that “Trajectory” in some ways will have “The Flash” team “feel like they should’ve been inoculated against it already.” Kreisberg said Episode 16 somehow revolves around the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

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