Saturday 12 March 2016

Waec 2016/2017 complete verified Biology specimens


specimen A: twig of mango plant

plant specimen B: twig of ixora plant

specimen C: leaf of Hibiscus plant

specimen D: hibiscus flower

specimen E: green vegetable cut

beef specimen F: a piece of freshly cut beef .

specimen G: worker bee (wet preserved)

specimen H: soldier termite

(wet preserved) specimen J: adult cockroach (wet preserved)

specimen K: nymph of cockroach (wet preserved)

specimen L: young toad (freshly

preserved) specimen M: quill feather

specimen N: scale of bony fish

specimen P: freshly preserved mammalian skin preferably of goat or ram with hair/fur measuring at least 4cm by 4cm placed in a petric dish . …


specimen Q: slide of Hydra

specimen R: small mammal (rat/rabbit/Guinea pig) , wet preserved


specimen S: a small amount of garden soil in a petri dish

specimen T: orange/lemon/ lime/citrus fruits

specimen V: tomato fruit specimen

W: cassava tuber

specimen Xi: stem of young cassava plant measuring at least 10cm in length

specimen Xii stem of young cassava plant measuring at least 10cm in length as in xi


(i)SPECIMEN Q AND R are peculiar to candidates in Ghana only and should not be provided for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the Gambia

(ii)SPECIMEN S,T,V,W,Xi,Xii are peculiar to candidates in Nigeria , Sierra Leone and the Gambia only and should not be provided for candidates in Ghana….

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