Tuesday 2 February 2016

Browse And Download Unlimitedly For Free With Your Etisalat Sim


here is another VPN software which you can use to surf the net without paying a dime. Its Old but we rebranded it . SYPONSHIELD , is almost similar to the familiared psiphon handler is what we are going to make use of today to power all our apps to connect to surf the net for free. The most important thing with syponshield is that , it takes a little bit longer time without any sign of disconnection, unlike psiphon which loses connection in some minutes .


configure your phone as: Name : ETI AKPATI

APN : etisalat APN

Type : default

Proxy : 184 .173 .147 . 39

Port : 80

Leave the rest fields empty , then save and activate this as your default settings/ connection ..

PSIPH 0N CONFIG 1 . Download the psiphon app here☜

2 . Then open the syponshield app you’ve downloaded and configure it as:

Remove proxy – Tick it ....

Proxy Type : Reverse Proxy....

Proxy Server: 31 .13 .74 .52....

Real proxy type : inject....

Real proxy server : 103 .26 .215 .3....

Real proxy port : 3128....

SAVE it then tap on tunnel whole device .....

A message will show up, accept it and continue. Choose USA as your region . Locate and tap on setting, from there , you make the following Configs :

Tick connect through an HTTP Tick use the following settings.....

Host address: 103 .26 .215 .3 ......

Port : 3128....

After all the above setup , then go to the app main menu and tap connect..Then wait for it to connect ......

NOTE: - Once it is connected, it can ’t disconnect, if you have a stable 3GNetwork , And it may take upto 10 minutes for it to connect due to changes …

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